Smoky Mountain Academic Resources & Training
S.M.A.R.T. Provides Private Testing
Options for Students K-12,
Homeschool Coaching, and Seminars.
You want to know if your Students are Learning and Making Progress?
We Can Help!
S.M.A.R.T. is an approved NCSEAA Provider. You may use your ESA+ class wallet account for students with disabilities to pay for any of our services above.

S.M.A.R.T.’s Discount Opportunities
Off-Peak Season Discount:
Test in October, November, December, or January and receive $20 off each Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement and $10 off all Broad Oral Language Tests. Use Code OFFPEAK in the registration.
Early Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay before January 31st, 2025, for testing sessions in February – July of the 2024 spring testing season and receive $10 off each Woodcock-Johnson Test Session. Use Code EARLYBIRD in the registration.
Group Testing Discount:
School and Homeschool groups registering eight or more students to test as a group with the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement can receive up to $20 off per Basic test. Must contact an Associate prior to registration to schedule. Click here for more details.
New to Homeschooling Discount:
We want to help you get off to the right start as you begin homeschooling with $10 off the Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement and Broad Oral Language Tests in July, August, or September. Use Code NEWHS2024 in the registration.
Smoky Mountain Academic Resources & Training (S.M.A.R.T.) is an educational enhancement service designed to assist parents in accurately assessing their child's academic achievements. We help identify your child's educational strengths and weaknesses and provide guidance to the many curriculum options available to home educators. SMART fulfills this mission by offering nationally normed and standardized tests, as well as presenting workshops and seminars to enrich the educational experiences for all children and their families.
We offer a variety of testing options and informative seminars to fulfill this mission. Testing options include:
Woodcock-Johnson® IV Tests of Achievement (individually administered)
IOWA Tests® and optional Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®)
The Brigance® Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills-Revised (CIBS-R) is designed primarily for use with elementary students and can be rented and administered by the parent. The CIBS-R will be especially helpful serving students with special needs.
All tests offered meet the annual North Carolina Division of Non-Public Education homeschool testing requirement as well as the testing requirements of many other states. S.M.A.R.T.'s independent testing associates are experienced, homeschooling parents and degreed professionals. S.M.A.R.T. testers have experience in many areas of special education including learning disabilities, physical handicaps, dyslexia, autism, and academically gifted.
We provide student testing throughout the state of North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and beyond.
SMART Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2077
Skyland, NC 28776