Woodcock-Johnson IV Group Testing Information
Tests of Achievement (WJ IV) Grade K - Adult
The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement is primarily administered one on one, however, multiple subtests may be administered in a group setting. SMART associates can work with schools or homeschool groups and offer discounted rates where 8 or more students will be tested at one location.
This would involve approximately 2 hours for the group administration part and approximately 45 minutes per child, one on one, with the test administrator. 20 minute Parent conferences can be scheduled, or scores can be e-mailed to the school or parent.
The Basic Woodcock-Johnson:
Is primarily orally-administered
Provides a 'snapshot' of their child's academic achievement
Includes WJ IV Interpretation & Instructional Interventions Program (WIIIP®), which provides a detailed interpretation of student performance offering research-based interventions and strategies based on an examinee’s scores.
Is a National Standardized test that meets North Carolina state home-schooling requirements and Private School Testing Requirements.
Includes 13 interpretive clusters: Broad Achievement, Brief Achievement, Academic Skills, Academic Fluency, Academic Applications, Reading, Broad Reading, Mathematics, Broad Mathematics, Math Calculation Skills, Written Language, Broad Written Language, Written Expression
Group of 8 or more Students with limited Conferencing: $90 per student A $20 per student discount
(Scores will be sent to the teacher. Associates will answer questions from teachers as needed. The school will explain scores to parents.
Group of 8 or more students with Scheduled Parent Conferencing: $95 per student A $15 per student discount
(Parents will meet with tester for a 20-minute conference in person after testing, at a later scheduled time, or via zoom at a later scheduled time)
Additional Add-ons: Will be charged according to their regular list price per student
A sample days schedule for group administration for 8 students in 1 day with 1 Tester during school hours could look like the following:
8:00am -10:00am Group Administration
10:00-10:45 Student 1
10:45-11:30 Student 2
11:30-12:15 Student 3
12:15-1:00 Student 4
1:00-1:45 Student 5
1:45-2:30 Student 6
2:30-3:15 Student 7
3:15-4:00 Student 8
(These times and schedules would vary based on the size, needs, of the group.
Some schools or groups may require multiple days)
Optional Testing Add-ons
We have multiple options to add extra testing and screenings to our Basic Woodcock-Johnson Test. These additional tests must be administered to students individually.
+ $70 Broad Oral Language (6 additional sub-tests, ~1.25 hr) Highly recommended having administered the first time Especially useful if your child is struggling in several areas. This Test can Help determine if your child is struggling with Oral Language or Auditory Processing. (No Reading, Writing or Academic Knowledge required in this test) Includes 5 interpretive clusters: Oral Language, Broad Oral Language, Listening Comprehension, Oral Expression, Speed of Lexical Access
+ $90 Dyslexia Screening Cluster (10 additional subtests ~2hr) Includes Broad Oral Language and Additional Reading Clusters. Gives you a detailed Report in Screening for Dyslexia and Reading Disabilities. Does not Officially Diagnose Dyslexia, but will give you information about your child’s tendencies towards dyslexia. Can be scheduled at a separate time from the basic test, if needed. Please communicate this with your testing associate.
+ $30 Processing / Speed Cluster (2 additional sub-test, ~.5 hr) Useful for helping determine if your child may struggle with processing information for academic tasks. Helpful if you are noticing your child has trouble finishing work and/or struggles with timed tasks. 1 interpretive cluster: Speed of Lexical Access
+ $25 Specific Reading Cluster (4 additional sub-tests, ~.5 hr) More Detailed Report Concerning Your Child’s Reading Level and to gain insight what particular areas of reading they may be struggling with. 4 additional interpretive clusters: Basic Reading Skills, Reading Fluency, Reading Rate, Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge
+ $25 Reading Comprehension Cluster (2 additional sub-tests, ~.5 hr) More detailed report concerning your child’s Reading Comprehension Level. 1 additional interpretive cluster: Reading Comprehension
+ $25 Phonics Cluster (2 additional sub-tests, ~.5 hr) More Detailed Report Concerning your child’s ability to read and decode words Phonetically 1 interpretive cluster: Phonetic Coding
+ $10 Specific Math Cluster (1 additional sub-test, ~.25 hr) More Detailed Report concerning your Child’s Math Problem Solving Ability. 1 additional interpretive cluster: Math Problem Solving
+ $10 Specific Basic Writing / Editing Cluster (1 additional sub-test, ~.25 hr) More Detailed Report concerning your Child’s Basic Writing Ability. 1 additional interpretive cluster: Basic Writing Skills
+ $25 Academic Knowledge Cluster (3 add'l sub-tests, ~.5 hr) Report Concerning your Child’s General Academic Knowledge Science, Social Studies, Humanities